FASTProbe V2
FASTProbe is FASTech's post-driven solution to simplified Renishaw probing within Mastercam. Whether you're looking to measure features, update work offsets, or re-machine features, FASTProbe provides a quick and easy solution. Each order comes with a personalized application guide for the users, sample parts, and training on how to use it. Additionally, we also provide the option to have the finished sample part for probing at your facility.
Core Cycles
What Makes FASTProbe Unique?
Cycle Freedom
FASTProbe is all about choice. With a variety of core cycles & several optional cycles and items, FASTProbe is geared towards giving the user the freedom to pick and choose what they need and want at a reasonable cost. -
Purely Post driven
FASTProbe is 100% post driven and doesn’t rely on outside executables, dynamic linked libraries, etc. that may conflict with Mastercam when creating cycles. -
Unique licensing
Other official options use a 1:1 license base that requires a seat per user. FASTProbe uses a structure that is unique to the company, so a single post can be used by every employee simultaneously and at any given time. -
In the industry we work in, no two machines are identical. Each has its own unique characteristics from the controller, parameters, and person who sets them up. FASTProbe has 100% flexibility on all outputs to fit any needs of the customer. -
Alongside its flexibility, FASTProbe is also extremely customizable. There is no hard-locked output, and customers can request to add their own unique spins and preferences to the code at their leisure.
Direct Support
FASTProbe is sold and managed directly by FASTech, so our customers will receive direct support from our team instead of from any third parties. -
Written & Developed
Everything for FASTProbe was written and developed from the ground up based on experiences with our customers. While it uses existing machine & probing functions, the logic it uses is original and heavily tested. -
Additional features
FASTProbe includes additional unique items on top of the probing cycles such as variable table support, custom tool inspection calculations based on logic written by the FASTech post team, custom images and documentation to support the product. -
Tiered options
FASTProbe offers different tiers based on the users needs. Alongside cycle freedom, users are also able to differentiate the configuration they need to support at different price points for 3, 4, and 5-axis.
All cycles within the post also support the DPRNT function (must be available on the user's machine) to be able to print out reports of each measurement made. Additional cycles and features are also available based on request such as:​
Some additional benefits to FASTProbe also include:​
Re-machining Support
Internal/External Corner
Tool Offset Probe (Length & Diameter support)
Axis Alignment
Variable offset tables
Machine Simulation
and more!
No License/Seat restrictions
Import/Export toolpath support
Custom Display images
Cycle Flexibility & Customization